Aesthetic or functional rhinoplasty
A large nose with a bump, a large nose that is too wide, a nose that is too long, a crooked nose, a crooked nose, a rounded nose tip,
a drooping tip of the nose, a pointed nose… the request for modification of the appearance of the nasal pyramid or rhinoplasty
is certainly one of the most requested operations in cosmetic surgery.
More than any other surgical operation, the result must be beyond reproach, as it is seen as “the nose in the middle of the face”.
Rhinoplasty helps to create a harmonious balance in the face. But this intervention ( rhinoplasty) is not just a simple remodeling technique! It is essential not to forget that the nose is not only a decorative element of the face but also an organ reserved for breathing, filtration, humidification of the air and olfaction.
Different types of rhinoplasty
There is not a rhinoplasty but multiple different surgical procedures which makes all the interest but also all the complexity of this type of intervention. Here is an attempt at classification with explanations and results for each procedure where everyone can approach their own case.
Rhinoplasty helps to create a harmonious balance in the face. But this intervention ( rhinoplasty) is not just a simple remodeling technique! It is essential not to forget that the nose is not only a decorative element of the face but also an organ reserved for breathing, filtration, humidification of the air and olfaction. Rhinoplasty helps to create a harmonious balance in the face. But this intervention ( rhinoplasty) is not just a simple remodeling technique! It is essential not to forget that the nose is not only a decorative element of the face but also an organ reserved for breathing, filtration, humidification of the air and olfaction. Visit this website to find out more about rhinoplasty.
Rhinoplasty on thick skin
Find out what you need to know before considering rhinoplasty surgery
Because beyond the physical change, rhinoplasty brings a real change in self-image. The therapeutic decision
should therefore be carefully considered. The nose holds a central place on the face, it is an element that cannot be
hide. For patients who experience the shape of their nose as a social handicap, this intervention allows them
often to change their view of themselves, with a nose that will not be stereotyped (surgical look) but a natural nose ,
in accordance with their face and their personality. So that the nose does not appear to be an added piece, the gesture must take into account
of the face as a whole. Nasal corrections can sometimes lead to additional gestures
(especially on the chin) to obtain a balanced profile. Breathing, filtering, smelling, the nose must also provide functions
which must not be altered but on the contrary which can be restored thanks to such an intervention.
The dialogue between the patient and the surgeon is of paramount importance. It will determine what is desired by the patient.
And finally determine what is technically feasible by the surgeon and aesthetically suitable for the face.
What is rhinoplasty after all?
Any surgical procedure on the nasal pyramid is considered a rhinoplasty, but it includes a quantity
large number of completely different acts ranging from simple retouching of the nasal tip to total reconstruction.
This is why certain rhinoplasty interventions having a respiratory or post-traumatic functional character
or tumor can be covered by social security and mutual insurance after a request has been made
prior agreement with social security. In the majority of cases it is a purely
Aesthetic without any refund.
We must differentiate between functional rhinoplasty , the aim of which is to straighten the septum, a source of difficulty breathing,
corrective rhinoplasty , the aim of which is to modify the morphology and volumes of the nose, either at the level of its part
upper bone, or its mobile lower part called cartilaginous. We can thus thanks to rhinoplasty straighten,
shorten or decrease in height and width a nose in its two bony and cartilaginous structures. The surgeries of Rhinoplasty can combine different gestures and can therefore be:
Revision of rhinoplasty by external approach (with scar) patient already operated on with persistence of deformity, fall of the columella, nasal obstruction, decision to undergo surgical revision (rhinoplasty) by external approach, 2 months post-operative
These different interventions therefore do not have the same consequences at all , particularly in terms of the post-operative follow-up and the expected changes.